Thursday 2 June 2011

one of those traditions

All families have their own little customs, and they become one of the endearing features of family - or community - life. One of ours is 2 June, which is a day set apart for Lovely Younger Son.

LYS was born near to Christmas, so we always gave him an official birthday on 2 June, the anniversary of his baptism. (What a day. His older sister was not quite well, but didn't make a fuss, bless her. She sat as quietly as could be and waited until all the company had gone home before throwing up all over the bathroom.)

So this day has always been set apart for him. It was always a low key affair because we couldn't expect anyone outside the family to observe it, and money was tight in those days, but we'd get little presents for the children. It usually fell in half term, so he could choose what to do. We might go swimming or bowling, or just to play on some swings somewhere, and he'd choose something special for tea.

I suppose it will become less important as the years go on, but we still celebrate the day. It was fish and chips for tea, and we gave LYS his presents. When I've finished this, he and I and are to play Scrabble To The Death.

What do you mean, 'will I let him win?' I'll be the one fighting for survival. You spend all this money on their education, and what happens? They beat you at Scrabble.

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