Monday 17 January 2011


Gleaner is having a moan about the rain so I went for a quick swim and brought her a fish - I remembered too late that squirrels can be so odd about fish, can't they? However, the mole maid looking after her loves fresh fish, so it found a good home. It's not just Gleaner, though. At this stage in the winter a lot of animals are a bit grumpy.

Time for a party, then. I'll get Tipp and Todd on board, and Sepia - Urchin's doing a lot of court stuff just now. And Scatter and Pitter, they like organising parties. If you have any thoughts about food, themes, any of that stuff, let me know. And I'll get Tide and Swanfeather, of course -

oh. Anyone seen Swanfeather?


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