Wednesday, 29 September 2010


Now that the schools are back, everybody's catching colds. Lady Sunshine was sneezing last week and I didn't want to catch it, so I hid behind the settee. At present, if I sneeze, my back hurts.

This makes me wonder about something. In the UK, most people of my generation upwards were taught that you shouldn't stay off work/school unless you have two broken limbs and pneumonia. Across all the generations, it seems to be normal that if you have a cold you take some powders and potions, struggle into work or school, and get on with it.

I think somebody once told me that it's different in the US. Apparently, there it's considered anti-social to go into work snuffling and sneezing and spreading your germs around. You're supposed to stay home till you're better. This sounds much more sensible to me, but is it true? Can anyone from the US advise me?

Today is the Festival of St Michael and All Angels. Happy Angel Day, everyone.


Heather said...

Yes, it's normally true. We normally do stay home till we're better, but sometimes, it's only one day that we stay home. That is, for school. I have no idea what my mom does, but my dad goes to work even if he has a cold. Hope this helps!

margaret mcallister said...

Thank you! If anyone has a cold near me I hide behind the settee and throw them ginger and lemons from a safe distance.

Heather said...

That's funny. Why ginger and lemons?

margaret mcallister said...

They're good cold remedies! Hot blackcurrant juice, with lemon, grated ginger, a little cinnamon, and honey if you like it.

Heather said...

That actually sounds pretty good! I might try it if I get a cold!