Monday, 6 September 2010


TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL, HAMMY THE WONDER HAMSTER! This is Hamilton Hamster, guest blogging for Poppy Harris or Margi or whatever she calls herself, to tell you about my most exciting adventure yet, and I'm so excited I can't run over the keys fast enough, to teellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyybnm,./ oops I fell off the keyboard.

This is the book about when I met a trombone. I love trombones, even when they make rude noises, (and they make lots of those, especially when you're first learning). And there's a monster in the book, too. Honestly, I don't know why Bethany's mum lets it in the house.

Book comes out this week - get hold of it at once!

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