Monday, 5 April 2010

Happy Easter!

I tried to say Happy Easter to you yesterday, but the blog wouldn't post and I don't understand why not. A wonderful day yesterday, church was good, the sons were both here, so were Lady Sunshine and Lady Sunshine's housemate. We had a lovely lunch, though I shouldn't say so because I cooked it - though the greatest hit was something I didn't cook at all, it was Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream which is Lady Sunshine's favourite. She'd given up sweet things for Lent, so it was a big success.

There's a flower festival in church, a duck race in town, and a heap of dead stuff in the garden (not you, Much), so I may burn the rubbish if it doesn't teem down with rain and if I can work out how to do it without setting the whole village on fire (and on a Bank Holiday too.) Oh, and the new dragon is called Samaranth. Thank you, Nels. She now gazes at herself in the mirror and murmurs 'Samaranth'. Get on and do some work, dragon, books don't write themselves.

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