Monday, 18 January 2010

spel chequer

I've never installed a spell checker on the blog, but it appears to arrive as part of the package. Bless it, it's firmly set in its ways. It knows the rules it was programmed to observe and it will stand by them or die, or even dye.

This said, I can't resist occasionally giving it a wee prod, tweaking its tail a little. For one thing, it doesn't like colour, favour, cheque, or anything else with a UK flavour rather than a US one. It won't honour any European spelling with a soupcon of recognition, and it's not at all at home with writers of fantasy. Let's really annoy it - Mistmantle, Padra, Huggen, Lugg, Archraven. You can't see it from your end, but this page is now marked by eleven red under-scorings where the spell checker is trying to tell me that THIS WORD DOES NOT EXIST OR IS WRONGLY SPELT! (Twelve) I think I should stop before it gets into a bit of a tizwaz(thirteen) and kaputs (fourteen) itself.

You may know of other perfectly acceptable words that catch it out and I'd love to hear about them, but to finish with, here's my favourite (fifteen) unknown to spell check word - it's -



1 comment:

Grace said...

I dont know if ypu read comments from Jan 2010 since it is 2011 but I will post this anyway. I write books (not published...yet) and these might sound like nonsense words but in my books they are real. Scalom, Lickles, Furgle, Socel, Gogorgs, Grawgon, Elexar, Galindoor, Anabellith, and I dont remember the rest. Mrs.McAllister, I have a tip to use for those words. Use the left side of the mouse and a menu will appear. Use add to dictonary. No more red line!