Monday 11 April 2016

Pen Portrait

The supermarket had all their gardening stuff on display outside last week. Maybe that's why, as I put the trolley away and walked back to the car, I thought, 'galvanised bucket'.

Something happens when a galvanised bucket gets into the head of a writer. As I got into the car I was asking Tony what sort of a character Galvanised Bucket would be, and we both thought it was a hyphenated surname. Colonel Galvanised-Bucket. Mrs Justice Galvanised-Bucket. We were pretty certain that Montague Carmichael Galvanised-Bucket is a senior civil servant. Tall, probably with a moustache. Not a man to get on the wrong side of. He married Marigold Ffothering, one of the Derbyshire Ffotherings, and the marriage produced Caractacus and Primrose. Marigold spends most of the summer in Malaga with friends. One friend in particular.

I haven't yet completed my notes on the Galvanised-Buckets, but now it's your turn. There is a village in Yorkshire called Kettlesing. Pen portrait for Kettlesing Jones, anyone?

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