Tuesday 26 August 2014

Much and the Bucket

So the latest human craze going around the big wide world is chucking buckets of icy water over each other. If you want to give money to charity, just give it away, why don't yer? On a boiling 'ot day it might be a good idea, but now? It's cooler than it ought ter be 'ere, and they're 'aving winter temperatures in Scotland, so Mavis tells me. Throw iced water about in Aberfeldy and you'll be carted off to 'ospital with per-new-monia. If this goes on they'll be calling August 'Pleurisy Month'. 'Er's a fair weather gardener, so 'er ain't bothering with the garden much just now. 'Er comes tripping down to pick a bit of mint and chives, 'as a word with the roses, and flits back in again.

Still, I aint short of company. There's Dodger and Oliver, the otters, the tortoise, and me snail. I asked Captain Padra what he thought about all this chucking about of iced water, him being a water chap and fond of a wetting. Now, he's a sensible chap and he's got a brain in there, but I had to explain it three times and 'e still couldn't get 'is whiskers around it.

'On Mistmantle, if somebody needs help, we help,' he says. 'It's more complicated here, isn't it?'

I fancy a bit of 'oliday on Mistmantle.


Unknown said...

Hi :)

margaret mcallister said...

Hi Sam, you'll see now why I haven't blogged for a while!

Unknown said...

Ooooooh!!! Umm, which one is you? Are you the red headed lady next to the other woman who looks a bit elderly. *sounding slightly unsure of how everything was said--- I mean written.

Congrads!! :)

I WANNA SEE YOU ONE DAY BADLY!!!!! you have no idea. Your my hero! Ever sense we met, you have grown into one! :)

Unknown said...

Oooooooooooooohhh im sorry..... *hides*

I think i nearly called you an old women....../:


margaret mcallister said...

No, I don't think you did! I'm the one with the white jacket and the dark blue dress, with a feathery thing on my head!

Unknown said...
