Wednesday, 4 August 2010


They all seem to be reading about Urchin and all those adventures with the Rage Tide. It makes my prickles go funny just thinking about it, after all that happened with Sepia and everything. In the workrooms they're all very busy with making Threadings just now, you'll understand why when you read it. I can't see them very well, but the colours are ever so pretty.

She of the Stories went out with her friend Claire today to look at some amazing Threadings and robes and things in a collection. Now she's very tired and I think I should send her to bed with a nice hot cup of something.



Unknown said...

hope is one of my favorite charectors in the whole book series! even though he is parcialy blind he plays a major part in the books.

Unknown said...

i absolutly love the mistmantle chronicles and book five and three were my favorites!

margaret mcallister said...

thank you! I'm very fond of Hope myself. One of the many hard things about writing the last book
was that what happened in the rage tide made poor Hope so sad.
