Sunday, 31 May 2009

never under-estimate teddy bears

Elder son's girlfriend has just finished her finals. She has come through the euphoria, is now in the sleep-for-a-week phase, and soon wil be catching up on fun things to do. Apparently various bears - hers and her friends' - are planning a teddy bears picnic.

This reminded me of the Yorkshire church which, a few years ago, made plans for their usual teddy bears picnic. (I understand the bears did a bit of fund-raising on these occasions.) But that year, the bears explained to the organisers that they wanted to do something different this time, something more exciting than a picnic. What they really really really wanted to do, please, was abseiling. From the church tower, please. So they did. They had a great day, raised money, and got their pictures in the paper. My bears thoroughly approve, and I think would like to have a go themselves.

More on bears as the week goes on.

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