Friday, 20 February 2009

the five legged camel

Today just got quieter. The lassie who stays with us has a few days off and has gone to see a friend, and my husband is away overnight. God-daughter has been handed over to her family. (I said I'd take payment in used American dollars or gold, but husband thought sheep might be a safer investment, if harder to get into a briefcase.) Suddenly it was so quiet. I sorted out five different heaps of things that needed writing, revising, replying to or just thinking about, and worked until I couldn't concentrate any more (apart for a break for a meal while watching the Simpsons with my younger son. When husband's at home, we watch the news. When he's not, we watch The Simpsons.)

The lassie and I are knitting a Noah's Ark, so I finished off knitting the camels, or so I thought. I ended up with two humps, two heads, two necks, four ears, but only seven legs. This was a bit dispiriting, as I thought it was all over bar the stuffing. A search failed to bring the missing camel leg to light, so I knitted another one. I just know the original is still around somewhere. SAhame to waste it, if it turns up. Five legged camel.

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