Thursday, 18 December 2008

Oh, help, I am a busy Christmas person this week so I haven't blogged. Urchin and the Raven War just got a stunning review in Voya, the sort of review every author dreams of. Happy Christmas to me.

I was personally invited - by a member of the cast, no less - to a Christmas play at one of our local schools. These were the Key Stage One children (under sevens) and they were amazing. Finer poins of stagecraft include prodding your fellow actors in the back if they get lost while walking round the stage or an elbow in the ribs for missing a cue altogether.

This morning was our toddler group Christmas party, and today I was not only dogsbody and storyteller, but Santa's Helper as well. I have never done that before, and felt most important. I should put this on the CV and/or write a book about it.

Big Son came home this evening. In 24 hours the fridge will be half empty and we'll need more coffee. Who cares. He's home.

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