Monday, 25 July 2011


Yesterday the children in my Sunday class made cards with white roses on them to send to the Norwegian Embassy. The way they carefully wrote their messages was deeply touching. Adults signed cards, too, but adults are funny things and don't sit round a table making their own pictures with tissue paper and felt pen. Wherever you are, find out the address of your country's Norwegian Embassy, and send them a card.

Yesterday, very small god-daughter came for a cuddle.

Yesterday was an Open Gardens event in the village. Tony put up warnings about the steep steps and the dragon hiding in the ferns (he's a very sweet cuddly Welsh Dragon), and I set out a teddy bears picnic. We had lots of visitors, including very young ones who found the dragon and played with the bears. Much peered out suspiciously from behind a fern and scowled a lot.

Yesterday I thought 'I love this village'.

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