Thursday, 15 June 2017

To explain

It's been quiet at The House of Stories lately, so I thought nobody was calling any more. But a few visiting cards have dropped through the door, so perhaps I should catch up and explain what's been going on. Writery things are going on, but nothing that's at the discussable stage yet.

My sister is home! A senior nurse at the hospital said she'd never seen a recovery like it! She is still using a frame to walk and taking a lot of painkillers, but she will get there. The cat was standoffish for a few hours then said, 'oh, go on then,' and curled up on her mummy's very comfortable bed.

Over the month or so when I was in and out of care homes and hospitals, the garden thought I'd moved out. But I'm giving it all the t and c I can now, and the roses are so happy I can see them dancing about and giggling when they think I'm not looking. I've just thinned out the cornflowers because Much couldn't see a thing, and now he's chatting away to a wild rabbit who comes in now and again and eats the dandelions. We'll have gooseberries soon. The blackcurrants haven't done a thing, but fortunately next door's are growing through the fence.

And for all of you Over The Pond who are dying to know about what's really happening over here, let me explain about (1) The General Election and (2) The Archers.

The Prime Minister said she wasn't going to call a General Election, and called a General Election. Everyone said that Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, was unelectable, largely because he was an old-fashioned leftie who cares about people, grows things on an allotment, and makes jam. It turns out that people, especially young people, like old-fashioned lefties who care about them. And jam. Anyway, Jeremy Corbyn did brilliantly well, won a lot of seats, and lost, except, in another sense, he kind of won. The PM lost a lot of seats and won, but no longer has enough seats to ride roughshod over the rest of the country and is frantically swapping marbles in the playground with any party who will prop her up. She has not yet approached the Monster Raving Newport Pagnell Liberation Front, but give her time.

Proportionately, Labour won and the Liberal Democrats did really well, but we don't do proportionate. So that's all clear and simple, then. And countries all over Europe are weeping with laughter and holding each other up.

And the thing you really want to know about - Justin Elliot wants to buy some land from Tony Archer to build houses. No, Susan, not a multi-storey mega pig rearing unit, houses. Freddie Pargeter bunked off an exam to go to a music festival with Johnnie and came home with a dodgy looking tattoo and a big smile. His mum Elizabeth is livid, and will probably shove him into an ancestral cannon and fire him into the middle of next week. Toby and Pip have split up. James and Leonie, who between them are wetter than a swimming pool in the monsoon season, had a very public hissy spat and stalked off in opposite directions, so Lillian and Linda are having a mud-slinging match. All's well in dear old rural England, my merry morris dancers.


The Command 'Fire' Four Times said...

Very relieved to hear things are settling down in your life, Margi. For me, I've been hired as a student-to-student tutor in my university's writing center and can't wait to help folks with paper or story writing - whichever genre comes through the door.

margaret mcallister said...

That is fantastic news! What a great job! Very well done on getting appointed to it. Take care that you do lots of your own favourite reading too, otherwise you'll starting thinking in terms of students' first drafts. Have fun!

dokdok said...

เผาผลาญไขมัน ไม่มีอันตราย เป็นเทคโนโลยี ที่มีคุณภาพสูงสำหรับการเผาผลาญไขมันส่วนเกิน
เครื่องจะตรวจค้นจำนวนไขมัน รวมทั้งคำนวนพลังงานที่จะต้องใช้อัตโนมัติ รวมทั้งพวกเราจะใช้เครื่องไม้เครื่องมือยิงคลื่น
อัลตร้าซาวด์เข้าไปในรอบๆที่ได้ทำเครื่องหมายไว้อย่างสม่ำเสมอ โดยไม่เจ็บต่อเยื่อรอบๆ ใกล้เคียง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นผิวหนังข้างบน เซลล์ประสาท หรือ เส้นโลหิต ต่อไปเซลล์ไขมันจะถูกแปลงให้เป็นของเหลวแล้วถูกซึมซับไปสู่กระแส เลือด แล้วถูกนำไปเผาผลาญโดยระบบการกำจัดไขมันของ
ร่างกายตามธรรมชาติ ทำให้ท่านสัมผัสได้ถึงรูปร่างที่กระชับรวมทั้งเรียบเนียนขึ้นโดยทันทีข้างหลังการดูแลและรักษา โดยไม่เป็นผลใกล้กันอะไรก็แล้วแต่ต่อสภาพร่างกายรวมทั้งสามารถดำเนิน
ชีวิตตามเดิม โดยไม่ต้องพักรักษาตัว

สลายไขมัน กระชับสัดส่วน
สลายไขมัน ไม่ผ่าตัด