Wednesday 12 November 2014

The right kind of help. please...

No, Mistress Apple, that doesn't mean cordial. No, especially the extra-special cordial. I think you should save that for another time.

The problem is that the Lovely Lady is poorly. She says her head is spinning, her legs have gone wobbly, and her tummy is doing flip-flops and somersaults. She thinks she might rent herself out as a circus act, but I said she might need too many safety nets. Yes, Mistress Apple, I'm sure your cordial is fantastic for most things, but it might not be the right thing for this thing. When it takes all day to eat the piece of toast you had for breakfast, I think cordial might just complicate things. If your tummy is doing flop-flops and somersaults it needs to be able to land back on its feet. Actually, I've never thought before about whether tummies have feet, but they must have something to land on, so whatever tummies have for feet, that's the thing that cordial might just bamboozlify. Oh, yes, I've seen people well and truly cordially bamboozlified. Not good. Especially when the flip-flops come.

So, the Hairy Bloke is doing his best. We think she just needs a few days of rest and recovery. Cups of tea are more gentle than flagons of cordial, and the British have always known that a cup of tea is a Good Thing. So I make the tea, and make sure there's toast if it's wanted. The Lovely Lady asked me if I'd do the blog for her, just to let you all know what's going on, and as soon as she's well enough to do it herself, Margi will be back in your company. She's already looking a bit better than she was yesterday - so, to make her feel better, and let her smile at us the way she does when she's well, here's a picture taken a few weeks ago, when she was having a lovely time on a sunny day in the Lake District.

Get well soon, Lovely Lady. All the folk of Mistmantle, and all the folk who are friends of Mistmantle, want you to be sunny and smiling again.


Unknown said...

I love your hair. Its very pretty with what your wearing and you handbag.

margaret mcallister said...

Thank you, Sam! That's my favourite sweater!