Saturday 11 May 2013

And the answer is...

All the paraphernalia in the last blog is sitting in the hall waiting to be rehomed. First stop, church table top sale, second stop, charity shop.

When I say that we're selling the English Legal System, I mean LYS's books about it. In a small village I don't know that we stand much chance of finding a home for the legal books, and I suspect some of them are already out of date. We've had a change of government since he did his first degree, so I for one no longer know what's legal and what isn't. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.) As far as I know you can't be arrested for growing your own hats, driving a computer while under the influence of butterscotch chocolate, or delegating blogging rights to a garden gnome.

It makes me realise again how easy it is to hoard stuff. I found two boxes in the attic that hould have been in Tony's study. They've been up there for six years without being missed. We've made enough shredded paper to bed down a rhinocerous. It makes me wonder about that old question - if the house was burning down, assuming that all the people were out and there were no pets in the house, what would I try to save? The photo albums? Hamilton Bear? The insurance details?

What about you?


Nina Ruth Bruno said...

we're in final stages of cleaning out my parent's home of nearly forty we know all about being buried in stuff. I think my first non-living thing I'd bring would be photo albums and second would be books!!!

margaret mcallister said...

But which books? I'm standing by the shelves trying to choose while the flames roared around me...

no, I think I'd just run.

Nina Ruth Bruno said...

Well, Mistmantle, of course! :-)

margaret mcallister said...

Thank you!