Sunday 16 September 2012


Blimey O'Riley.

'Er's just got back from a conference, and 'er's that tired 'er'll never make it up the stairs to bed. And that 'edge'og, that Needle, she's still in 'Er Ladyship's sewing box, head down, rear end up, and she ain't got to the Saxon layer yet. She says she'll tell you the rest of 'er story when er's done. Well, I think that's what 'er said, it's hard to understand an 'edge'og with 'er mouth full of knicker elastic and 'er 'ead in a bag of stuffing.

So, 'oo do you think will do the blog? Oh, that'll be me, then.

C-WIG. That's what 'er's been to. What sort of a wig is that, then, I said, something fishies wear to keep their little 'eads warm? No, she says, it's part of the Society of Authors,it's the Children's Writers and Illustrators Group. So off they went on Friday, 'er and 'er author/illustrator friend Lynn Breeze, off to this blooming conferring. 'Er was navigating, it's a bloomin' miracle they got there yet, seeing as 'er can't find her way to the back door.

They didn't half keep 'em busy at that conference. They was all running from one session to the next with barely in time for a coffee, and of course 'er ends up with a cracking migraine, so instead of listening to the debate with all the posh folks on the panel 'er was taking her meds and curling up on a sofa. Now, don't you worry, she recovered in time for 'er lunch.

'Er's come 'ome laden down with books and every now and then er'll say 'Allan Ahlberg!' 'Celia Rees!' 'Gillian Cross!' and go all of a whatnot. So I suppose she's come 'ome with a few bright ideas, a bit of a clue as to what's going on (and that's more than 'er ever 'ad before), and some new friends.

Oh, and two freebie pens with 'Society of Authors' on 'em.

One of 'em doesn't work.

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