Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Honestly, I'm not making this up.

Last night I was checking the spelling of 'baboon', so I looked it up in the dictionary. Our ancient Chambers Dictionary defines baboon as -

'a large monkey of various species, with long face, dog-like tusks, large lips, a tail, and buttock-callosities'

YES! BUTTOCK-CALLOSITIES! Basically it means hard skin around a baboon's bottom. And baboon's bottoms are often luridly colourful, so shouldn't that be multi-chromic buttock-callosities? I ran straight upstairs to challenge Lovely Younger Son to see how many times he could get buttock-callosities into the conversation at work today. Haven't yet caught up with him to find out.

They could be members of the aristocracy. The Honourable Jeremy Withering Buttock-Callosities, Mrs Rosie Buttock-Callosities and their beautiful daughter Rainbow.

Over to you. Can you get buttock-callosities into your conversation? I've done it seven times in this blog.

By the way - dog-like tusks? Excuse me? What sort of dog is this, Mr Chambers? Are you sure it's a dog?


Rina said...

It's still the "dog-like tusks" that's worrying me. Especially since I've just been at the house of some people and a Yorkshire Terrier, and I'm imagining tusked Yorkies. ;)

margaret mcallister said...

That is seriously scary