Sunday 19 April 2015

Election 2015

For perhaps the first time, I don't know who I'm going to vote for. I know who I'm not going to vote for, if that's any help. So, what policies would win me over?


Will you all stop talking about tests, science, attendance and league tables. By the time they're halfway through high school kids know what they're good at and what they're not, what they love and what they would do anything to avoid. Stop making life a misery for teens and let them play to their strengths.

Not all education happens in school. Not all parents can take time off in the holidays. A week of family time in a beautiful location, especially if there's lots to explore and learn, is at least as valuable as a week in the classroom. 'Please can my child have a day out of school to do a music/dance exam, have a once in a lifetime trip to the theatre, go to great-granny's ninetieth birthday?' No-brainer.

Stop giving them tests! If the teacher is any good he/she knows what the child can and can't do. Children need support, not testing.

Let kids enjoy being kids! Lighten up! Put Fingal of the Floods in charge of education immediately!


Songmorning said...

I heartily agree! Except Fingal might need someone a little more reasonable to balance him out. Needle comes to mind. Or perhaps Mother Huggen.

Unknown said...


You know, the education systems, they should be teaching us "partical" things, i mean, yeah, its good to know history and all, but we how do kids know how to live on their own, pay bills etc. If Ihavn'tgone to a "speicalschool" for two years, then I would have had no idea.

I think education should be a mix of things, including practical things to live in the real world and get a job

Songmorning said...

Those are good thoughts! Some of my older friends tell me that, when they went to school, there were "homemaking" classes and the like, so it would be nice if schools could get back to that.

margaret mcallister said...

Good point, Sam. Some of the most useful things I learned were learned at home, or in the Girl Guides, or on holiday. How to manage money should be taught in schools.

margaret mcallister said...

Hi, Michelle! Welcome to the House of Stories!