Thursday 8 September 2011


I think I am becoming decrepit. I was thrilled to bits yesterday because the doctor had suggested stronger painkillers (I still get bad sciatic pain from my back injury). I woke up this morning thinking - 'ooh! I can get my painkillers today!' Then I had the Toddler Group to do (we had thirty-five children today, and some very rounded mummies, so it will be forty before long.) After Toddler group the vicar and I met up with Daughter, LYS and The Lassie for lunch at our delightful village cafe -

and then the pharmacy was closed for lunch -

and I had to go into town to get to the bank, and do some shopping, and all the time my leg hurt -

and it rained -

and finally, I got back to the pharmacy and found the prescription had gone through, and almost ran back home clutching my little pack of tablets like a prize.

I now contain enough analgesic to numb an elephant. I love it! So I have to do the blog NOW, in case it sends me to sleep. BTW, I'm hiccuping like a frog. Whether this is anything to do with the elephant anaesthetics is more than I know.

And if you're already hooked on The Archers, as I'm sure you are, Jack Woolley has collapsed, so Peggy is being worried-but-wonderful and Tony Archer is doing his trembly emotional voice. Phoebe is off to South Africa. Here comes the theme music - tum ti tum ti tum ti tum, tum ti tum ti tum tum...


Rev Tony B said...

Stop the spoilers! I haven't heard it yet!

Rina said...

Hoping & praying that your back feels better!

margaret mcallister said...

Thanks, Rina! This weekend I have been limping discreetly instead of lurching wildly, so that's an improvement. The new pills are wonderful!