Monday, 6 June 2011

Aal ahint

Where I come from, if you're running behind with all the things you have to do, you are 'aal ahint like the coo's tail', which means 'all behind, like the cow's tail'. I'm all ahint with the blog, so I'll tell you today what I did yesterday.

Both Lady Sunshine and the Lassie (Lovely Younger Son's girlfriend) were here at the weekend, and on Sunday afternoon we sat down together to make favour bags for the wedding. Traditionally, you put five sugared almonds in favour bags. However, sugared almonds pose a danger to (a) people with nut allergies and (b) teeth, so Lady Sunshine opted for jelly beans instead. At present the jelly beans are in the wrong part of the country, but we made the bags anyway, ready to pop them in.

After the first hundred or so we ran out of ribbon, even though we'd bought enough to gift wrap an elephant. However, we only have about another forty to do, and it was such fun. There is something about all that creative activity - or, to put it more simply, 'making stuff together' that is satisfying and a real bonding thing. Finally, we scrunched up all the empty bags from the ribbon shop and threw them at the menfolk. That was satisfying, too.

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