Friday, 1 March 2013

Dewi Sant

Dewi Sant is the Welsh form of St David, the patron saint of Wales, and today is his day. Dragons, daffodils and leeks are all important parts of Welsh culture and so we took a dragon (a cuddly red one) a bunch of daffodils and a leek with us to the quiz this evening. Tony and I were running it (the first time we've been the people in hhe front, so we gave it a Welsh theme. I was a bit nervous about starting it off - what if I held up my dragon, yelled 'Oggy! Oggy! Oggy!' and nobody responded? But they all yelled back 'Oi! Oi! Oi!' and we were off to a good start.

(For those who think I've just flipped, it's a Welsh rugby chant/rallying call, usually led by big hairy men in rugby shirts.)

We slipped in Welsh references here and there, but my favourite round was the 'missing words' (or 'missing word'). Here are a few of them..

Shoot all the jay birds you like if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill...............................

He respects Owl, because you can't help respecting anyone who can spell ........................

The man who dies............... dies disgraced.

And death shall have no .....................

Help me ............... You're my only hope

Don't worry if you can't get them. A lot of the village worthies didn't either. There's hopeless, isn't it now? Answers next time (if I haven't forgotten them). By the way, I have no idea what 'oggy oggy oggy' means, or whether it means anything at all, look you.

While we're in Wales, I recommend 'Under Milk Wood' by Dylan Thomas. One of the best things written in the twentieth century.


San said...

I'm guessing the answer to the second one is "Wednesday" or something close? Been a while since I've read Winnie the Pooh!

Happy March, Margi! Sounds like your month's off to a fun start! :) Peace!

margaret mcallister said...

Well done! You definitely get a point for that! Winnie-the-Pooh is full of wisdom.