Friday, 23 July 2010

The Hundred Aker Wood

Have you read Winnie-the Pooh? WHY NOT? I can't remember if I was sold on it as a child, but those books get wiser and funnier over the years. So I was most excited, on holiday, to discover that we were not far from Ashdown Forest - or the Hundred Aker Wood, as Pooh And Piglet(or Piglit) know it. So the three of us - me, him, and Hamilton Bear - walked down to the real live Poohsticks Bridge and played Poohsticks.

Hamilton has been breathless with excitement ever since.

Have I already told you this in a former blog? Excuse Me. I am an Author of Very Little Brain, and long blogs bother me.

If none of this makes any sense at all, look up A A Milne and Winnie-the Pooh on the Internet, but make sure you get the Real Thing, not the film version.

Time for a Little Something. Perhaps a smackerel of hunny.

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