Monday, 13 July 2009

It must be July because...

Is it that long since the last blog? Everything seems to be happening at once. Little things - lots of odds and ends of work, local things, parties, and, of course, barbecues.

Barbecues are not about food. They are about sweaty men with tea towels over their shoulders. They are about cooking on a reluctant grill thing in either baking sunshine or pouring rain when you have a perfectly good cooker in the kitchen (and somebody who knows how to use it). As a fusspot, I'm never sure how cooked things are on a barbie, and as a veggie I don't eat them anyway. But a barbie is also about one of my favourite things...

...being outside on beautiful summer evenings. Never mind the barbie. Give me a glass of something cold, a few crisps to nibble on, and good company. And a garden, of course. The barbie in York on Thursday was pretty well perfect. Thank you, everyone.

I forgot to say strawberries. Thank God for strawberries. If you're allergic to them, never mind. I'll eat them for you.

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